Sunday, December 09, 2007

Casting Call for “Sorrow Hill”

Have you always wanted to try your hand at acting but never had the opportunity? Gentle Reader, if you have answered yes to this question then I suggest that YOU check this out: and click on the casting info section to the left.

Ron is a good guy and a talented storyteller. His company Grindhouse Pictures is in pre-production mode for “Sorrow Hill”. He’s having a casting call on December 15th, at the Vineland Ramada Inn at 10:00 AM. If you would like to participate via an audition it would behoove you to drop him an email.

I can’t wait for the premier!


mommanator said...

"grind"house pics?? sounds like a movie place I shouldn't be in! Hey have ya been reading Joe T blogs? man is he into acting!
You would have to be cast in a comedy!

Evil Chicken said...

Joe T is the MAN.

…and yes, I’d gladly audition for a comedy.

Pax Romano said...

Well, I would have to talk to my agent, I had an unfortunate experience with another independent film company this past summer - you must have heard about it, it was a major scandal ... you'll be reading all about it in my new book.

Evil Chicken said...


Don’t publish that book just yet! The chapter is not done.

I have heard about this project that you speak. Rumor has it there will be more to come – I really can’t go into detail at this time but I’ve got a friend who knows a guy who’s sister was involved with the same project. Any way, she says that said project would resume early next year.

…At least that’s what she said.