Thursday, May 24, 2007

On The Road Again

The EC-5 is hitting the open road once more. We are going camping in Virginia and then pressing onward to Geo Woodstock 5 in Charlotte North Carolina.

What’s a Geo Woodstock 5? Oh Gentle Reader, I am never unimpressed with your curiosity. Geo Woodstock 5 is a Mega-Geocache Event. It is held each year at a different location. There will be over 2,000 geocachers from all over the world there. That’s a lot of people. It should be a hoot. I’m taking the laptop so maybe I’ll be able to update from the event? One never knows. There is going to be a big Geo Coin Gathering as well. Mother Hen was bitten by the coin bug and is very excited to be going. Yours truly and the Three Chicks are going to check out “Pirates of the Caribbean – At World’s End” at a local multiplex.

I can’t wait; neither can the girls.

We might be camping our way back to Jersey too. I hope that this is the case since I’m off from work and I’m not getting any younger. I am so thankful that I can share this time with my wife and kids. We want the Three Chicks to look back on these times with a smile and say to each other, “How about the time our crazy parents took us on all those crazy adventures!” No. It would be even better if they said to their own individual families, “Hop in the Jeep and let’s go see what’s around the corner!” They would be plotting their own travels and reporting the back to us, Grand Ma & Grand Pa. They would be charting their own courses and having their own grand adventures. That, Gentle Reader, would be cool; too cool.

These are the good old days my friends; make them count.


mommanator said...

safe trip little buddies! This post makes you sound old, however you may get older in age you will never grow up (oops did I say that?)-comes from a place of love AND it takes one to know one!

Evil Chicken said...

Nah, you’re right on the money! The day that we act according to everyone else’s expectations on how we should act would be a sad day indeed. A large part of me is with Peter Pan on this one.

BTW, I’m typing this from a Holiday Inn in Raleigh North Carolina; Internet access and Cartoon Network? Life is good.