was National Poetry Writing Month. I
threw my hat in the ring. I wrote thirty
poems. Most are not fit for human consumption. Not because they are particularly bad
(although they are pretty bad) but because they come from places that I don’t
like to or have been forced to explore at this particular time.
one were to contrast this year’s to last year’s one would find a distinct line
of demarcation in content & meaning.
I released a few into the wild on my blog last year. This year, not so much. Last year I was in protecting mode, uplifting
mode, I had hope. This year’s NaPoWriMo
was more about survival & revelation.
Things that I don’t deem fit for human consumption and, unlike the Vogon’s
from, “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” I will not subject you, Gentle
Reader, to them. With very few
exceptions, these words are all mine and they are better off locked away where
they are.
be curious to see what other people’s experiences have been concerning this
year’s event. For this I’ll turn to
others writers I know, bloggers, and – of course, the poets on Twitter. National Poetry Writing Month, is an
interesting experience and I highly recommend it to anyone who would like to
give it a whirl. I recommend writing to
anyone who can hold a pen and poetry as well.
You don’t have to wait until next April until you write a poem. Find a pen and some paper and have at
it! However, be warned, poetry is
dangerous and it can take you places that you may not be ready to go. To do so or not is up to you, Gentle
Reader. I, for one, believe that it is
worth the ride – even with the potholes and lack of pavement from time to time.
the ride.